
Call for Workshops

2025 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (IEEE BigComp) is to provide an international forum for exchanging ideas and information on current studies, challenges, research results, system developments, and practical experiences in these emerging fields. Running annually since 2014, it currently attracts many participants, including the best talent in industry and academia. The conference will foster collaboration and bridge the academic-commercial gap in the database, artificial intelligence, network, and big data communities.

We now encourage prospective workshop organizers to submit proposals for highly interactive workshops (full-day or half-day long) focusing on either in-depth analysis or broad-ranging approaches to exchange cutting edge ideas in Big Data and smart computing research, development, and practice. We expect these workshops will complement the main IEEE BigComp conference.

Workshop proposals will be reviewed based on the quality of the proposal, its relation to the main IEEE BigComp topics, and the likelihood to attract enough participants as well as the hosting capacity of the venue. Accepted workshop papers will also be published in the IEEE BigComp workshop proceedings, which will be indexed in the IEEE Digital Library (IEEE Xplore), together with the main IEEE BigComp proceedings. All the workshop papers should be limited to no more than 8 pages in the official IEEE Conference paper format.


Workshop Proposal Preparation

Workshop proposals (5 pages at maximum) should include the following information:

• Title of the workshop

• Motivation of the workshop and appropriateness to IEEE BigComp

• Theme and purpose of the workshop

• Format, planned activities and tentative schedule (half day or full day)

• Selection process for presenters

• Expected number of participants

• List of organizers with short biographical sketch describing relevant qualifications and experience

• List of program committee members with an indication of which members have already agreed

• If the workshop has been held at the previous IEEE BigComp or another conference, describe the past attendance and outcomes briefly


Workshop Proposal Submission

Workshop proposals should be submitted to the workshop chair via the following email:

• Prof. Young-Seob Jeong (ysjay@chungbuk.ac.kr), and Prof. Wolfram Schiffmann (wolfram.schiffmann@fernuni-hagen.de)

   (Note: make sure the email title starts with “[BigComp2025 WS]”)


Important Dates (Timezone: AoE)

• Workshop proposal submission due: September 28, 2024

• Workshop acceptance notification: November 23, 2024

• Workshop date: one or two days between February 9-12


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